A&A ORANGE BALSAMIC REDUCTION is a wonderful balance of tart and sweet. This sirupy reduction is made from 100% Italian White Balsamic Vinegar of Modena & Fresh Oranges.
White balsamic vinegar is milder and slightly sweeter than the traditional Balsamic vinegar.
This white variety is A&A Orange Balsamic reduction will transform your green salads, fruit salads, cheeses and ice cream. Marinate meats. Great for add a refreshing flavor to your pork tenderloin, salmon & chicken breast.
This gourmet balsamic infusion is highly recommended when the color of the dish will be adversely affected by the dark brown color of the traditional balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle on peaches;
They also make unique, interesting and useful gifts.
For easy recipes, please visit us at: www.altacucinaitalia.com/myblog
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